Hilaria Baldwin speaks amid fraud accusations of being Spanish | US News

Hilaria Baldwin accused critics of „tarnishing her image“ amid allegations that she spent years pretending to be Spanish.

Speak out loud In an interview with the New York Times Baldwin, on Wednesday, addressed the controversy surrounding her heritage after it emerged that she was born in Boston, not Spain, and that her name was originally Hillary.

Baldwin wife of Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin, Became the subject of intense speculation about her background last week. The controversy began when the topic of a Twitter user, who shared clips of Baldwin speaking with an accent, went viral. „You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade-long beating in which she impersonates a Spanish,“ wrote lenibriscoe. In one clip, Baldwin is shown struggling to remember the English word for choice.

The New York Times article raises examples of news articles referring to Baldwin’s Spanish heritage, and highlights an old clip by Alec Baldwin David Letterman says His wife is from Spain. He also describes Baldwin’s biography on a management agency website that he says was born in Mallorca, Spain.

Baldwin, 36, says the cucumber incident was a nerve because it was one of her first appearances on live TV, calling it a „brain flick“ rather than an attempt to reinforce the belief that she was Spanish. Baldwin shared an online résumé from her management agency that she was born in Mallorca and said this was a „disappointing“ mistake.

Baldwin, yoga instructor and social media influencer, He told the New York Times „There is nothing I’m doing wrong“ and there is „a difference between hiding and creating borders.“

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Baldwin told the New York Times that she is bilingual and her English often has a strong Spanish accent depending on how happy or upset she is.

Baldwin, who has five children of 30 rock stars Alec, said: „Today we have an opportunity to explain to people who have been confused – and have been confused by people who distort me.“

Baldwin has said that she gave birth to Hillary but changed her name to Hilaria because that is what her family in Spain called her. She said her parents, who are both Americans, loved Spain and took her there on vacation from an early age.

„The things I have shared about myself are very clear,“ she said. „I was born in Boston. I spent time in Boston and Spain. My family now lives in Spain.“

Baldwin did not mention how many times or how long she had been in the country, adding, „I think it would be crazy to do such a tight schedule for everything. You know, sometimes there was a school involved. Sometimes it was a vacation. It was like this.“ Mix, is that the correct word? Like a mixture of different things. „

Baldwin married Alec, 62, in 2012. He defended her amid controversy, posting a quote on Instagram in which he said, „A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth wears its shoes.“

Comedian Amy Schumer seemed to be mocking Baldwin’s explanation, when she shared a video of her wearing a large sun hat and wrote, „I got it. I went to Spain a few times and loved it too.“

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Also included an emoji for the option.

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