Black holes can get very massive, and astronomers have created a new size class

There is super huge black holes. over there SuperHuge black holes. What is the size of these foreign bodies? Well, there could be something bigger than the phenomenal: amazing Large black holes according to the latest research.

Such hypothetical black holes – 100 billion times more massive than the Sun – have been explored in a new paper called SLABs, an acronym for „Stupendously LArge Black holeS“.

„We already know that black holes exist on a wide range of masses, with a supermassive black hole of 4 million solar masses sitting at the center of our galaxy,“ Astronomer Bernard Carr explained From Queen Mary University of London.

„Although there is currently no evidence of SLABs, it is conceivable that they exist and may also exist outside galaxies in intergalactic space, with interesting observational consequences.“

Black holes have a few fairly broad classes of mass. There are stellar mass black holes. These are black holes orbiting the mass of a star, up to about 100 solar masses. The next category is medium-mass black holes, and their size appears to depend on who you talk to. Some say 1,000 solar massesSome say 100,000, And others say 1 million; Whatever the upper limit, it appears to be very rare.

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are much larger, in the range of millions to billions of solar masses. They include the SMBH found at the core of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A *, at 4 million solar masses, and the most luminous SMBH in the universe, M87 *, at 6.5 billion solar masses.

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The most extreme black holes that we have detected are extremely heavy, over 10 billion (but less than 100 billion) solar masses. This includes an absolute monster clocking 40 billion solar masses at the center of a galaxy called Holmberg 15A.

„However, surprisingly, the idea of ​​SLABs has so far been largely neglected.“ Carr said.

„We have suggested options for how these SLABs should be formed, and we hope our work will start spurring discussions among the community.“

The thing is, scientists don’t quite know how supermassive black holes form and grow. One possibility is that they form in their host galaxy, then grow larger and larger by devouring a large number of stars, gas and dust, and colliding with other black holes when galaxies merge.

This model has an upper limit of about 50 billion solar masses This is the point at which an object’s colossal mass requires a cumulative disk so massive that it will be crumbled by its own gravity. But there’s also a big problem: In the early universe, supermassive black holes were found at masses too large to grow due to this relatively slow process in the time since the great explosion.

Another possibility is something called primordial black holes. It was first proposed in 1966. The theory goes that the changing density of the early universe could have produced pockets so dense that they collapsed into black holes. These will not be subject to the size limitations of the black holes of collapsing stars, and they can be very small or very large.

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Extremely small, if it existed before, it likely evaporated due to Hawking radiation right Now. But large numbers could have escaped it.

So, based on the primordial black hole model, the team calculated how massive these black holes are, between 100 billion and 1 quintillion (i.e. 18 zeros) solar masses.

The researchers said the purpose of the paper is to look at the effect of such black holes on the surrounding space. We might not be able to see planks directly – black holes in which matter do not accumulate are invisible, as light cannot escape their gravity – but massive, invisible objects can still be detected based on the way the space around them behaves.

Gravity, for example, bends spacetime, causing light to travel through these regions to follow a curved path; This is called a gravitational lensing, the team said, and the effect could be used to detect SLABs in intergalactic space.

Massive objects will also have implications for detection Dark matter, The invisible mass that pumps more gravity into the universe than it should – directly based on what we can actually discover.

One of the hypothetical, weakly interacting dark matter candidate massive particles (WIMPs), may accumulate in the region surrounding SLAB due to the enormous gravity, in such concentrations that they will collide with each other and eliminate each other, creating an aura of gamma radiation.

Primordial black holes are candidates for dark matter, too.

„SLABs themselves cannot provide dark matter,“ Carr said. „But if they did exist at all, they would have important implications for the early universe and make it plausible that lighter primordial black holes might do so.“

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Also, we couldn’t resist Calculate the volume A black hole has a mass of 1 quintillion solar masses. The event horizon will end at more than 620,000 light years. Uh. just awesome.

The team’s research has been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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